European Nightcrawlers For Sale

Looking For a Bigger Composting Worm or Better Fishing Bait?
European Nightcrawlers (Eisenia hortensis) share many of the same traits that make the red worms such good compost worms. The European Nightcrawlers are slightly larger than the red worms, which makes them great for composting and fishing too. They can digest larger material than red wigglers.
The European Nightcrawlers are excellent bait even in brackish waters. They stay on the hook longer and live longer than other worms. Also these worms don't need refrigeration. Perfect for fishing trips
These worms are 2-3 inches long, and about the size of pencil. They can eat nearly 1/2 of their weight in food every day. Worms are sold as bed run, which means you will receive a mix of baby, juvenile, and adult size worms.
Buy European Nightcrawlers Today!